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Creating a technical portfolio may seem complicated, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can Students can create professional-level technical portfolios with confidence and speed, and by taking this workshop, they will have a deep understanding of the process of producing apparel pieces, preparing them for a successful career in the fashion industry.< /span>

Interviewer :

  1. What is the technical file? Its types?
  2. Who needs the technical file?
  3. Technical drawing details
  4. Add a list of materials used
  5. Sizes for clothing items
  6. Types of seamstresses and their uses
  7. Add color tones with codes
  8. Detailed explanation of packaging
  9. Communicating with factories and important factory vocabulary< /span>
  10. Common problems in creating a technical file and how to avoid them

Helpful files :

  1. Templates in Illustrator and Excel format for creating the file.
  2. File of printing types for clothing.
  3. Packaging file and its types.
  4. Follow-up sheet after samples.
  5. And other auxiliary files and sites.< /span>
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