Jewelry sketching

‏199 SAR

سنتعلم أساسيات و مدخل لرسم المجوهرات ( الألماس ) و التعرف على تفاصيل و تقنيات الرسم و التلوين الصحيح مع معلومات إثرائية مهمة عن الألماس

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Jewelry design and manufacturing is one of the artistic specialties that represents a huge industry worth billions of dollars. Becoming a jewelry designer and maker requires more than making drawings of your ideas. It requires in-depth knowledge of metals and gemstones and an understanding of fashion trends and fine craftsmanship, and here I have arrived. To start the road.

Target group:

  1. Those who are passionate about learning new skills and crafts.
  2. Those who are passionate about accessories and jewelry and how to make them.
  3. Those who want to make accessories or jewelry for personal use or for the purpose of starting a private business.

You will learn:

  1. Introduction and overview of diamonds.
  2. Geometric drawing methods for jewelry.
  3. Learn about the table of values.
  4. Learn about the technique of shadow and light.
  5. Learn about the technique of lightening and darkening with colors.
  6. Introduction to diamond drawing technique.
  7. Types of diamond cuts.
  8. Diamond coloring technique with pencil and colors.
  9. Information enrichment file.

What do you need before you start?

  1. Fine drawing brushes
  2. Thick gray or beige notebook paper
  3. Color palette or pallet
  4. Stencil ruler
  5. Pencils of different shades
  6. Gouache colours
  7. White gel
  8. Black and white charcoal
  9. The reasons for merging
  10. Compass
Course Content
Basic section
Introduction and necessary tools. Watch More
Second application
Third application
Fourth application
Fifth application
Sixth application