This course will be available for 3 month after purchasing
نستعرض هنا فكرة الاستدامة في عالم الأزيـاء، حيث نعيد تدوير المواد لنبتكر تصاميم جديدة وأنيقة، مما يمكّننا من الاستفادة منها مجددا بشكل فعّال.
In this unique article, which targets all those interested in fashion, who has a special interest in the concept of sustainability in fashion or benefiting from fashion and special clothing and how they are recycled and producing new elegant and appropriate designs so that they can be used again instead of buying. New clothes or to save the environment from the pollution of the fast fashion industry.
What do you need to get started?
zohra amied
تغريد المولد
فاطمة القرني
ليان الحمادي
ساره الفيفي
nadiah aljuhani